The undersigned organizations hold the Ministry of Interior wholly responsible for the deaths of at least 20 people killed near the Air Defense Stadium
Files: Criminal Policy
The Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights today issued a report on the most significant incidents of political violence that swept Egypt in the weeks bef
48 detained school students – age ranging between 14 and17 – subjected to torture in Alexandria’s Kom al-Dikka
The undersigned civil society organizations are deeply concerned about the retrial of 37 men sentenced to death and 492 to life imprisonment by Al-Minya Criminal Court.
(Cairo, December 10, 2013) – Thirteen Egyptian and international human rights organizations called on the Egyptian authorities today, on international Human Rights Day, to acknowledge, and seriously and thoroughly investigate the killing of up to
The undersigned rights organizations condemn the use of excessive force yesterday by the security authorities when dispersing the sit-in by the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) and its supporters at Rabia al-Adawiya Square in the Cairo governorate and Nahd
The Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights today asked the public prosecutor to open an independent, urgent investigation into the failure of the security forces to assume their legal duty to secure demonstrations and protect the lives of demonst
The undersigned organizations are severely alarmed by the massacre that took place on the Nasr Road in Cairo at dawn on Saturday, July 27, after police forces attacked demonstrators supporting the Muslim Brotherhood (MB).
The undersigned organizations express their deep regret and strong condemnation of the excessive force used by army and security forces against supporters of deposed president Mohamed Morsi who were staging a sit-in in front of the premises of the
The undersigned organizations regret to announce that the status of human rights in Egypt has deteriorated alarmingly in the one year since the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) took control of the institutions of governance and became the primary party res