Files: Judiciary affairs

Press Release29 Oct 2017

EIPR stresses the important role judicial institutions could play in punishing the wrongful use of force by police and law enforcement officers. Such actions are vital to stop the rampant cases of death in custody due to beatings and torture. This is especially true given the lack of effective oversight over these facilities by either independent state bodies or the judicial bodies tasked with inspecting them under Article 55 of the constitution and laws regulating the judiciary, prisons, and criminal procedure.

Press Release31 Mar 2016

The undersigned organizations fear that today’s final judgment forcing 32 judges into retirement, especially after a similar ruling was issued last week against 15 other judges (Judges for Egypt), will establish a new restriction on judges’ right to express their opinions, especially those that do not support the state administration.

Press Release29 Nov 2014

Justice was dealt another severe blow, said the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR) following today's ruling by the Cairo Criminal Court dismissing the case against Mubarak and acquitting former interior minister Habib el-Adly and six o
