State Security Prosecution releases “The Visit" video producers
Press Release
The Supreme State Security Prosecution decided to release dozens of detainees in various cases, including those involved in Case No. 184 of 2023, namely Mohamed Hossam El-Din Hussein Mohamed, Ahmed Ali Gamal El-Din El-Khouly, Basma Samir Ibrahim Ismail, and Ziad Fathi Ramadan Hassanein Mahmoud.
The Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR) welcomes the release decisions and stresses that the four content creators did nothing but exercising their right to freedom of creativity by acting out an imaginary comedy scene and posting it on social media platforms. It stresses the need to stop the arrest of citizens simply for exercising their legal and constitutional rights, and to cease detention in publishing cases.
EIPR also calls for the release of all detainees who are not feared to escape or affect the course of investigation, in accordance with the law. It further calls for the immediate release of all those who exceeded the legal period of pretrial detention.
The Supreme State Security Prosecution had decided to detain the four defendants on 29 January after interrogating them over their participation in producing a satirical video entitled "The Visit". The prosecution charged them with joining and financing a terrorist group, misusing social media, and spreading false news.
A lawyer from EIPR attended the defendants’ detention renewal sessions, the first of which was held on 5 February 2023. The four content creators were arrested after they appeared in the video that depicted a girl visiting her lover in prison. The video was shared on social media and garnered more than 200,000 views within two weeks.