Seven Egyptian human rights organizations said that statements made by US President Donald Trump on 26 Ja
Tags: الموقف المصري من غزة
As the Gaza ceasefire comes into effect today, 19 January 2025, the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR) renews its call for all the relevant authorities, primarily the Prosecutor General Mohamed Shawky, to release all those held in p
Yesterday, November 12th, the Supreme State Security Prosecution released defendants on various cases, including EIPR client Abdullah Al-Sayed Ali, who was detained pending Case 2490 of 2024, on charges related to his solidarity with the rights
A whole year has passed since the beginning of the Israeli aggression that has assumed genocidal proportions against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, an aggression that has spread to the West Bank and, more recently, Lebanon. More than 42,000 people have died and 10,000 are missing. Meanwhile, no more than a five-hour drive from the Gaza border, Cairo and other cities in Egypt have been a site of suppression of any attempt by Egyptians to show solidarity with the Palestinian and the Lebanese people trapped under incessant Israeli bombardment.